International Conference

Nepal International Infrastructure Finance Conference (NIIFC)-2010

Balkumari College, a community College under Tribhuwan University (Nepal)  organized an International Conference on infrastructure Finance on December 02-03, 2010 (Mangsir 16-17, 2067).

Welcome to Nepal International Infrastructure Finance conference

About the College

Balkumari College is one of the upcoming premier institute in Nepal. The college was established in the year 2043 B.S. by some great visionary social workers and business entrepreneurs. The institution is located at central part of Nepal about 140 k.m.south-wests from Kathmandu. At present this college offers three under graduate and two post graduate courses in management, education and science and technology disciplines.
The college has 2 sister concerns including Balkumari College Teaching Hospital and Lions Maternity Hospital (under construction). Balkumari College always stands among top colleges in Nepal and ranks first of all affiliated college under Tribhuwan University by UGC and the World Bank. The salient features of our college include accreditation of UGC, well established infrastructure, computarised libraries, etc. The college has signed Memorandum of Understanding with leading colleges and universities abroad for the betterment of faculty and students. The College is an ISO 9001-2000 and QAA Certified institution.


The theme of conference was “Infrastructure Finance”. It  brought together policymakers, regulators, professors, bankers, investors, operators and the government, so that Nepal could learn more about how other countries have successfully harnessed Public Private Partnership (PPP) approaches, and also showcase opportunities on offer for the private sector.

Infrastructure is the basic physical and organizational structures needed for the operation of a society or enterprise, or the services and facilities necessary for an economy to function. The term typically refers to the technical structures that support a society, such as roads, water supply, sewers, power grids, telecommunications, and so forth. Viewed functionally, infrastructure facilitates the production of goods and services; for example, roads enable the transport of raw materials to a factory, and also for the distribution of finished products to markets. In some contexts, the term may also include basic social services such as schools and hospitals.

The conference  discussed the key principal issues concerning the financing infrastructure-transport, telecommunications, water, waste disposal, power, gas, electricity in developing countries like Nepal and suggests an appropriate institutional and policy framework in light of the distinctive features of infrastructure finance and the available empirical evidence.


Event summary:

The world is facing challenges in finding the best response to the recent global economic slowdown, to stabilize the markets, position the economy to be competitive when the international recovery comes, and finally to achieve long-term, sustainable growth.  Financial institutions need to be more creative and flexible than ever to find new sources of capital and support their clients’ financial needs, policymakers and regulators need to implement the right measures in order to bring back confidence and stimulate recovery in a volatile environment and investors need to re-assess their risk/return appetite.

The need to finance infrastructure in developing countries is immense. However, many countries, like Nepal, suffer from an overall scarcity of adequate funding. The reasons are manifold: their revenues are low, and their access to loans and other forms of debt financing, including from the private sector, is limited. Good financial management is the key for sustainable development. Also governments across the globe are seeing infrastructure investment as a good way to stimulate economies.  

The event offered an opportunity to present and discuss innovative approaches, good practices and experiences in assisting countries to provide better services for their citizens. More than 100 participants will attend the event to discuss the topic and learn about the practical examples presented by the speakers.

This Infrastructure Finance Conference  provided unparalleled networking opportunities and this event will be a conference for the leading deal-makers in infrastructure and energy finance.


Call for papers:-

The organising committee invited the papers relevant to the following themes.

Key topics:

  • The effect of global financial crisis on infrastructure investing
  • Prospects from Asia: The emerging infrastructure development region
  • Future of infrastructure finance in South Asian region
  • Exploring the most appropriate models for financing infrastructure projects in the present liquidity constraint and risk adverse market
  • Risk mitigation for different infrastructure assets
  • Future of PPP in Nepal and in Asia
  • Investment opportunities for water and waste management projects
  • Investing in Public Utilities infrastructure in Nepal and elsewhere in south Asia
  • Analysing Government infrastructure financing
  • Financing opportunities for renewable energy
  • Infrastructure Financing in Nepal: Challenges and Initiatives
  • PPP Experiences of India: Lessons for Nepal
  • Expanding Electricity Access in Rural Areas
  • Inflation, credit and the outlook for global growth – prospects for the supply of infrastructure finance in 2011-2012.
  • The demand for infrastructure finance
  • Financing options: how to get the best mix?
  • Mobilising of resources in domestic capital markets for financing infrastructure
  • PPPs in infrastructure development
  • How best to invest in infrastructure

We invite quality research papers on any one of the above areas. The paper must be accompanied by an Abstract. The paper should be sent to the Convener of the conference in the form of CD along with two hard copies. The decision about the acceptance or non-acceptance of the paper will be communicated to the paper writers/researchers.

Outstanding papers will be selected and recognized with awards. In addition, they will be considered for publication.

We welcome your participation and look forward to hearing from you.

Who should attend? 

  • Secretaries of the concerned Govt. Ministries and other officials from related ministries.
  • Professors from prominent Universities and Colleges
  • CEOs, Managing Directors, General Managers
  • Chief Financial Officers / Finance Directors
  • Chief Economists
  • PPP Directors / Managers / Advisors
  • Heads of Project Finance
  • Corporate Treasurers
  • Project Managers / Developers
  • Equity Analysts / Corporate Banking Managers
  • Lawyers / Auditors / Underwriters
  • Members from National Planning Commission

Target Sectors

  • Utilities (Power, Water, Oil & Gas, Renewable Energy)
  • Transport (Land, Sea and Air)
  • Healthcare
  • Real Estate
  • Education
  • Financial Institutions

Submission Guidelines: –

-The paper should be typed neatly in A4 size sheet with 1.5 spaces. Font- Times New Roman, Font Size-12 and not exceeding 3000 words.
-The paper must be original work and should not have published or presented else where.
-Registration form and Registration Fee should be attached along with the paper. Photocopies of Registration form can be used for additional entries.
-Best paper will be recommended for journal publication.
Abstract could be also mailed to: poudelshiva-2010@hotmail.com
Selected papers will be given for presentation in the seminar.

Submission of Abstract

The submission of abstracts should consider the following issues:

a) Title of paper

b) Topic area

c) Sub-topic area

d) Name(s) of author(s)

e) Institution/Company

f) Complete postal address, telephone, fax and e-mail address

g) In case of multiple author papers, correspondent author and presenter should be identified.

h) Keywords: No more than 4 keywords.

The official language of the NIFC, 2010 Conference is English.

Abstracts (and full papers) will only be accepted for review on the condition that

1. they have not been copyrighted or previously published, and

2. they are not being considered for publication,

3. they are not in press elsewhere.

Only electronic submissions of Abstracts will be considered. Use Microsoft Word 2003-Window XP Format.

When submitting the Abstract, please provide a Bionote. Maximum length 200 words (for each author)

Abstracts must be sent via e-mail to:-

Shiva Prasad Poudel

Conference Convener,

NIFC, 2010

Balkumari College, Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal

Email: poudelshiva-2010@hotmail.com

Media partners

We work with leading magazines and publishers in this arena. If you are interested in becoming a media partner for this event please contact:

Email: poudelshiva-2010@hotmail.com

Registration Fee:-
Students: Rs.1000/-
Research Scholars/Academics: Rs.2000/-
Industry Executives: Rs.3000/-

International participants: US $100/-

Participants from India Rs. 2000 (Indian Currency)

Registration Fee includes seminar kit, working lunch, refreshment and local transportation.
The Registration form should be filled and sent to the organizing committee along with the Registration fee. The registration fee can be paid through Draft/ Cheque drawn in favour of “The Balkumari College”, Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal.

Late registration and spot registration will be charged additional fees of about 25%.

If you are interested in becoming a conference sponsor, fill out the sponsor registration form and return to the address shown. Registration deadline is October 10, 2010 to guarantee sponsor name on printed material. Please register early!


 The Infrastructure Finance Conference also offers a fine opportunity to get the word out about your organization to people who can truly use your services. You or your organization can choose to have a presence at the conference as a sponsor. Options for sponsorship include financial contribution alone or financial contribution with an exhibit booth

Conference sponsors receive many benefits for their financial support, including recognition in our program, events, and complimentary registration.


At the Rs.2, 00,000/- levels, your organization receives acknowledgement as a Premiere Sponsor at all conference functions and on all printed material (including conference bags and sponsor signs at registration) and an opportunity to display your organization banner at meal functions. This level of sponsorship also includes full registration for four and one exhibit table. The Premiere Sponsor exhibit placement is near the registration stall.


At the Rs.1, 00, 000/- levels, your organization receives acknowledgement as a Corporate Sponsor at conference functions and other printed material. This level of sponsorship also includes full registration for three and one exhibit table.


At the Rs.50, 000/- levels, your organization receives acknowledgement as a General Sponsor in conference program. This level of sponsorship also includes full registration for two and one exhibit table.

Government /Non-profit Organisation

At the Rs.25, 000/- level, your organization receives acknowledgement as a Government / Non-profit Sponsor in conference brochure. This level of sponsorship includes full registration for one and one exhibit table.


Organization Name:                                                                Contact Person:

Address:                                                                                  City:

Phone:                                                                                     E-mail:

I would like to be a:

  • Premiere Sponsor (4 full registrations) Rs. 2, 00,000/-
  • Corporate Sponsor (3 full registrations) Rs. 1, 00,000/-
  • General Sponsor (2 full registrations) Rs. 50,000/-
  • Government/Non-profit (1 full registration) Rs. 25,000/-

I will need:

  • Exhibit area for booth display
  • 6′ table
  • Electricity
  • Financial Sponsorship only – no booth display

List of attendee(s) (Sponsorship level determines number of paid attendees included):

1. Name:                                                          Title:

2. Name:                                                          Title:

3. Name:                                                          Title:

4. Name:                                                          Title:

Registration form with cheque or money order may be sent to:

Balkumari College,

Register early!

Registration deadline is October 10th, 2010 (to guarantee name on printed material).

Key dates / Milestones

Please remember the following dates / milestones

August 14, 2010 Deadline for submission of abstracts.

August 25, 2010 Notification of abstracts acceptance

October 25, 2010 Deadline for submission of full papers

October 30, 2010 Registration due

November 10, 2010 Deadline for submission of final papers and PowerPoint presentations.

 International Infrastructure Finance Conference

Balkumari College

Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal

Registration Form


December 02-03, 2010


  • 1. Name of Participant: _________________________
  • 2. Designation: _______________________________
  • 3. Office/Institute/College: ___________________________
  • 4. Address: _________________________________



  • 5. Contact No.: _______________________________
  • 6. Title of Paper: ______________________________
  • 7. Mode of Payment Fees: Cheque / Bank D. D.

(Please draw a cheque or D.D. in Favour of “Balkumari College” )

Do you require accommodation facility?

Yes             No

Please mail this form to:

Shiva Prasad Poudel

Conference Convener

Balkumari College, Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal

Ph. 00977-56-521842, 524842, 523714

Email: poudelshiva-2010@hotmail.com


International Conference


Infrastructure Finance

December 02-03, 2010






Balkumari College

Narayangarh, Chitwan, Nepal

Ph: 00977-56-521842, 524842, 523714® Fax: 524700


E-mail: info@balkumaricollege.edu.np

URL:http:// www.balkumaricollege.edu.np


Balkumari College, Bharatpur-2, Narayangarh, Chitwan, situated 140 km South/west of Kathmandu, Nepal, and about 130 km North/West from Nepal-India boarder (Birgunj/Raxaul) and About 140 km East from Nepal-India boarder (Sonauli/Bhairahawa , which is about 110 km North from Gorakhpur, India ).

It can be reached in 5 hours by bus from Gorakhpur or 3.30 hours by bus from  Raxaul/Birgunj or in 30 minutes by plane from Tribhuvan International Airport, Kathmandu  or in 4 hours by bus from Kathmandu.


Accommodation for the conference will be arranged in different lodge and hotels in Narayangarh, Chitwan.


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