
“Make a DNA Model contest”

The World DNA Day was celebrated by organizing a “Make a DNA Model” contest on April 25, 2023. The event was hosted by the Science Faculty of Balkumari College and was attended by 50 participants from various academic levels.

The students were required to prepare a DNA model and present it in front of a panel of judges. The panel comprised of Mr Anup Muni Bajracharya, Program Incharge of Science Faculty, Mr Khadananda Acharya, a Botany expert, and Mr Binod Koirala, also from Botany.

The event was a huge success, with many creative and innovative DNA models being presented. The judges had a tough time selecting the winners, but after careful consideration, the following students were awarded the top three prizes:

Bhawana Poudel, B.Sc 1st year Microbiology – First Prize

Anjali Upadhyaya, B.Sc 4th year Microbiology – Second Prize

Bulbul Shrestha, B.Sc 3rd year Microbiology – Third Prize

All the participants received certificates of participation, and the winners were also awarded with momento. The event was a great opportunity for the students to showcase their creativity and knowledge of DNA. It also helped in promoting the importance of DNA and its applications in various fields of science. Overall, the event was a great success and left a positive impact on the participants.



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